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Portmeirion PostcardPortmeirion Postcard
Portmeirion Postcard
Portmeirion Postcards are selected at random unless the postcard number (located bottom left of image) is specified in the special instructions box at checkout.

Landscape Bae Caerdydd Canvas Art   (26)
Landscape Bae Caerdydd Canvas Art (26)
A canvas-mounted print of a 1930s photograph of Cardiff Bay. Cardiff Bay played a major part in Cardiff’s development by being the means of exporting coal from the South Wales Valleys to the rest of the world, helping to power the industrial age. The coal mining industry helped fund the building of Cardiff into the Capital city of Wales and helped the Third Marquis of Bute, who owned the docks,...
Landscape Cardiff Map Canvas Art   (27)
Landscape Cardiff Map Canvas Art (27)
A canvas-mounted print of a map of Cardiff. Canvas Print Dimensions; Width: 50cm (20') Height: 40cm (16') Features Presented on a wooden-framed canvas

Draft Plan Of Village
Draft Plan Of Village
Draft Plan of Portmeirion Village, c.1925 A copy of the original architectural drawings of Portmeirion by Clough Williams-Ellis; this Mounted Architectural Design of his Draft Plan of Portmeirion Village is a fantastic gift for any Portmeirion / architecture enthusiast. In 1925, just five miles from his home at Plas Brondanw, Clough Williams-Ellis acquired a Victorian mansion called Aber Iâ...
Observatory Tower Print
Observatory Tower Print
Design for the Observatory Tower, Portmeirion, 1935 A copy of the original architectural drawings of Portmeirion by Clough Williams-Ellis; this Mounted Architectural Design of the Observatory Tower at Portmeirion is a fantastic gift for any Portmeirion / architecture enthusiast. The significance for Clough Williams-Ellis of towers in the coastal landscape was connected with his love of sailing. For...

View From Chantry by Meryl Watts
View From Chantry by Meryl Watts
View ffrom Chantry, Meryl Watts, pencil & watercolour, 1947. Meryl Watts (1910-1992) first exhibited her work in 1937. In 1943 her parents' London house was damaged by bombs and her father's printing works destroyed. Their circle of acquaintances included Clough William Ellis who arranged for the family to be evacuated to Portmeirion where they stayed for five years. Meryl Watts painted several...
Landscape Flowers Canvas Art   (2)
Landscape Flowers Canvas Art (2)
A canvas-mounted print of a photograph of a range of flowers in the beautiful gardens at Portmeirion Village - Clough Williams Ellis' Italianate masterpiece in North Wales. W: 50cm (20") x H: 40cm (16") Presented on a wooden-framed canvas

Amlinell Portmeirion O’r môr | Portmeirion Skyline From the Sea
Amlinell Portmeirion O’r môr | Portmeirion Skyline From the Sea
Print Celfyddyd Gain Portmeirion Gyda Bordyn Cefn A Mownt | Portmeirion Fine Art Print With Backboard And Mount Gwelir yng ngwaith Clough Williams-Ellis bensaerniaeth fel cyfrwng i gysylltu’r tir a’r môr. Ei weledigaeth oedd codi tref wedi’i chymhwyso i harddu tirlun naturiol yr arfordir. Clough Williams-Ellis’s work shows architecture as a mediating element between...
Braslun Clough Williams-Ellis 1977 | Sketch Clough Williams-Ells 1977
Braslun Clough Williams-Ellis 1977 | Sketch Clough Williams-Ells 1977
Print Celfyddyd Gain Portmeirion Gyda Bordyn Cefn A Mownt | Portmeirion Fine Art Print With Backboard And Mount Braslun a wnaed oddi ar ei gof ac yntau’n 94 oed. “...mae gennyf ar gof a chadw,” meddai, “storfa mor fanwl o’r golygfeydd a’r adeiladau a welais yn ystod fy oes fel nad oes raid imi ymweld eto â Fenis na Phortofino i’w dwyn i gof a’u...

Clough Williams-Ellis Portrait PostcardClough Williams-Ellis Portrait Postcard
Clough Williams-Ellis Portrait Postcard
Clough Williams-Ellis Portrait Postcard At Portmeirion Clough strove to give his architectural convictions physical expresion. He fought for beuaty - 'that strange necessity'. Please note that the design will be chosen at random however should you wish to receive a specific design, pop a note in the special instructions box at checkout and we'll do our best to accomodate your request. Single...
Cynllun ar gyfer Ty Pont 1958 | Design for Bridge House 1958
Cynllun ar gyfer Ty Pont 1958 | Design for Bridge House 1958
Print Celfyddyd Gain Portmeirion Gyda Bordyn Cefn A Mownt | Portmeirion Fine Art Print With Backboard And Mount Dengys y cynllun hwn ar gyfer T? Pont dueddiad Clough Williams-Ellis at arddull fwy rheolaidd, Glasurol yng ngyfnod diweddarach Portmeirion, ac eto heb golli’r un cyfle i fanteisio ar y dirwedd; cyferbynner y dull beiddgar y codir T? Pont ar gromenni agored oddi ar y graig noeth gyda...

Golygfa O’r Gyfarchfa 1961 | View From The Salutation 1961
Golygfa O’r Gyfarchfa 1961 | View From The Salutation 1961
Print Celfyddyd Gain Portmeirion Gyda Bordyn Cefn A Mownt | Portmeirion Fine Art Print With Backboard And Mount Adnabyddid MERYL WATTS (1910-1992) fel artist grefftus; astudiodd yn Blackheath; arddangosodd yn yr Academi Frenhinol. Peintiodd sawl astudiaeth bensaernïol o Portmeirion a’r rheini’n dal naws lledrithiol ac eclectig pentref Clough William Ellis. MERYL WATTS (1910-1992)...
O’r Môr, Clough Williams-Ellis| From the Sea, Clough Williams-Ells
O’r Môr, Clough Williams-Ellis| From the Sea, Clough Williams-Ells
Print Celfyddyd Gain Portmeirion Gyda Bordyn Cefn A Mownt | Portmeirion Fine Art Print With Backboard And Mount Dyluniad rhagarweiniol ar gyfer Portmeirion, tua 1925. Mae’r llun hwn o bwys yng ngwaith Clough Williams-Ellis o ran cynrychioli am y tro cyntaf ei weledigaeth o dreflan gydnaws â’r tirlun naturiol ar arfordir naturiol hardd ac yn dangos hefyd ei gysyniad o bensaernïaeth...

O’r Tir, Clough Williams-Ellis | From the Land, Clough Williams-Ells
O’r Tir, Clough Williams-Ellis | From the Land, Clough Williams-Ells
Print Celfyddyd Gain Portmeirion Gyda Bordyn Cefn A Mownt | Portmeirion Fine Art Print With Backboard And Mount Dyluniad rhagarweiniol ar gyfer Portmeirion, tua 1925. Mae’r llun hwn o bwys yng ngwaith Clough Williams-Ellis o ran cynrychioli am y tro cyntaf ei weledigaeth o dreflan gydnaws â’r tirlun naturiol ar arfordir naturiol hardd ac yn dangos hefyd ei gysyniad o bensaernïaeth...
Portmeirion Piazza Pool A6 Card
Portmeirion Piazza Pool A6 Card
Portmeirion A6 Greeting Card Blank Inside Portmeirion Piazza & Pool Clough Williams-Ellis's work shows architecture as a mediating element between sea and land. He imagined a coastal village built to enhance the naturally beauty of its site.

Portmeirion Sketch Village Skyline A6 Card
Portmeirion Sketch Village Skyline A6 Card
Portmeirion A6 Greeting Card Blank Inside Portmeirion Sketch Village Skyline Clough Williams-Ellis's work shows architecture as a mediating element between sea and land. He imagined a coastal village built to enhance the naturally beauty of its site.
Portmeirion Village Aerial View A6 Card
Portmeirion Village Aerial View A6 Card
Portmeirion A6 Greeting Card Blank Inside Aerial View Clough Williams-Ellis's work shows architecture as a mediating element between sea and land. He imagined a coastal village built to enhance the naturally beauty of its site.

Portmeirion Village Sketch A6 Card
Portmeirion Village Sketch A6 Card
Portmeirion A6 Greeting Card Blank Inside Village Sketch Clough Williams-Ellis's work shows architecture as a mediating element between sea and land. He imagined a coastal village built to enhance the naturally beauty of its site.
Portmeirion Village Skyline A6 Card
Portmeirion Village Skyline A6 Card
Portmeirion A6 Greeting Card Blank Inside Portmeirion Village Skyline Clough Williams-Ellis's work shows architecture as a mediating element between sea and land. He imagined a coastal village built to enhance the naturally beauty of its site.

Portmeirion Village Tower A6 Card
Portmeirion Village Tower A6 Card
Portmeirion A6 Greeting Card Blank Inside Portmeirion Village Tower Clough Williams-Ellis's work shows architecture as a mediating element between sea and land. He imagined a coastal village built to enhance the naturally beauty of its site.
View Over The Piazza Tim Richmond
View Over The Piazza Tim Richmond
A view over the Piazza in Portmeirion village by contemporary photographer Tim Richmond. Portmeirion Fine Art Print 230x340mm.