Urban Nature Culture
Since the age of 19, Anne Marie Hermans has been travelling the world, finding beauty and treasures in every corner of the planet. Ever inspired by inventive minds and the incredible products that can come to life from that, her travels always lead her to find new products, hidden gems and creative people, who inspire her for new collections to come. Curating ancient techniques and art, in harmony with nature, is one of the most important goals in her life. Which is exactly why she started her own Urban Nature Culture brand.
One of the reasons Urban Nature Culture Amsterdam was brought to life, is because Anne believes that taking care of the future of our world, nature and its inhabitants, can only be achieved by looking at ourselves. The change lies within ourselves. UNC is a home and lifestyle brand that continuously challenges her – wondering about ways to add better value to our planet and its inhabitants, us people.
Step by step, we find more ways to produce products in a sustainable way. Not just by paying fair wages to the talented craftsmen or honest dealers and companies who provide great products for our homes, but also by using new and planet-friendly sources, or secondary instead of new, raw materials. It is our obligation to invest in the future and to be transparent about the way we produce our goods.
That way, we wake up each morning with the best intentions – of helping each other and our world, to make the world a little bit better every day. Urban Nature Culture Amsterdam, for the love of our world.
Shop Urban Nature Culture at Portmeirion Online.