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Clough Williams-Ellis : A Planning Credo and Commentary CD
Clough Williams-Ellis : A Planning Credo and Commentary CD
Clough Williams-Ellis : A Planning Credo and Commentary CD A CD recording of interviews given by Clough Williams-Ellis, the architect most well-known for creating the Italianate village of Portmeirion in North Wales. Running time: 67 minutes Recorded: April 1948 Release date: 19th June, 2008 On 19th June 2008 at 11.00am in the Hercules Hall, Portmeirion a CD of six talks given by...
Portmeirion : The Official Audio Visual Presentation DVD / Y Sioe Glyweled Swyddogol
Portmeirion : The Official Audio Visual Presentation DVD / Y Sioe Glyweled Swyddogol
Portmeirion : The Official Audio Visual Presentation DVD Portmeirion : Y Sioe Glyweled Swyddogol DVD This DVD contains the presentation which is shown in Portmeirion's Audio Visual Theatre, in which the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis narrates the story of the creation of Portmeirion Village. The Hotel Portmeirion was opened by Clough Williams-Ellis at Easter 1926. Clough spent the next fifty...