Gin Botanegol Portmeirion Botanical Gin 700ml
Gin Botanegol Portmeirion Botanical Gin 700ml
Mae gan Gin Botanegol Portmeirion aroglau perlysiau cain gydag arlliw o flas rosmari a nodweddion sawrus coriander a merwy ar y diweddglo sbeislyd.
Portmeirion Botanical Gin has a fine herbal nose with hints of rosemary leading to a palate of coriander and tart juniper with a zesty, spiced finish.
40% AVB
Gin Oren a Leim Portmeirion Orange & Lime 700ml
Gin Oren a Leim Portmeirion Orange & Lime 700ml
Mae gan Gin Oren a Leim Portmeirion aroglau sitrws adfywiol a blas orennau a leim gydag arlliw o goriander a chroen oren ar y diweddglo.
Portmeirion Orange & Lime Gin is bright and citrusy on the nose with tangy notes of sweet lime on the palate and a lingering finish of coriander and orange zest.
40% AVB
Portmeirion Champagne 750ml, NV, Duval Leroy, Vertus, France -12%
Portmeirion Champagne 750ml, NV, Duval Leroy, Vertus, France -12%
Duval-Leroy Brut is made by the family-owned Champagne House of Duval-Leroy which has been perfecting the quality og its champagnes since 1859. This cuvee is a blend of Pinot Noir, Meunier and Chardonnay sourced from about fifteen villages, with a generous addition of reserve wines. It shows a perfect balance between finesse and...
Portmeirion Miniature Spirits Gift Box 4 x 5cl
Portmeirion Miniature Spirits Gift Box 4 x 5cl
Try our very own exclusive spirits in miniature form. The gift set contains Portmeirion Rum, Whisky, Gin and Vodka in 50ml bottles.
4 x 50ml bottles