Rose & Tulipani

Rose & Tulipani

Mae'r brand Rose & Tulipani yn cynrychioli amrywiaeth eang o arddulliau sy'n Eidalaidd yn y bôn: o 'Concerto' o waith caled Lliwiau i lestri gweini melamin mewn dyluniadau sy'n rhychwantu Nador Môr y Canoldir, Bywyd y Môr arfordirol a chasgliadau bywiog Country Life.


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Rose & Tulipani Soleado Set of 2 Salad Plates Melamine
Rose & Tulipani Soleado Set of 2 Salad Plates Melamine
Rose & Tulipani Soleado Set of 2 Salad Plates Melamine Inspired by the sights and sounds of the Mediterranean, this stunning range of tableware is perfect for serving tapas with friends, or to simply bring a vibrant splash of colour to your tabletop. The collection includes: serving plates, mugs, egg cups and platters. Materials: Melamine Dishwasher safe Giftboxed
Rose & Tulipani Nador Round Melamine Platter 42cm
Rose & Tulipani Nador Round Melamine Platter 42cm
Rose & Tulipani Nador Round Melamine Platter 42cm Inspired by the sights and sounds of the Mediterranean, this stunning range of tableware is perfect for serving tapas with friends, or to simply bring a vibrant splash of colour to your tabletop. The collection includes: serving plates, mugs, egg cups and platters. Materials: Melamine Dimensions: Diameter 42cm Height 2.5 cm Dishwasher...

Rose & Tulipani Soleado Round Platter Melamine
Rose & Tulipani Soleado Round Platter Melamine
Rose & Tulipani Soleado Round Platter Melamine Inspired by the sights and sounds of the Mediterranean, this stunning range of tableware is perfect for serving tapas with friends, or to simply bring a vibrant splash of colour to your tabletop. The collection includes: serving plates, mugs, egg cups and platters. Materials: Melamine Dishwasher safe Giftboxed

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