Devil's Bridge

Mae Devil’s Bridge Rum wedi’i hysbrydoli gan gynllun cyfrwys y wraig i dwyllo’r diafol, gyda bara melys Bara Brith yn brif flas. Wedi aeddfedu mewn hen gasgenni bourbon yn y Caribî a’i gludo i’n distyllfa Gymreig i gael ei drwytho mewn cyfuniad unigryw o fotaneg a sbeisys: Glengettie Black Tea am ddyfnder y blas, Bara Brith am felyster a Shirgar Menyn Sir Gaerfyrddin ar gyfer llyfnder, Sinsir, Fanila, Cassia, Allspice, Cardamom, Byrllysg a Cloves.


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Devil's Bridge Toasted Almond Liqueur 50cl
Devil's Bridge Toasted Almond Liqueur 50cl
Devil's Bridge Toasted Almond Liqueur 50cl Don't miss out on our Limited-Edition Toasted Almond Liqueur. Crafted from our premium white rum our new liqueur boasts a unique depth, blending smooth almond, amaretto, sweet caramel and delicate vanilla, creating a truly festive sip. 20% vol
Devil's Bridge Spiced Rum 70clDevil's Bridge Spiced Rum 70cl
Devil's Bridge Spiced Rum 70cl
Devil's Bridge Spiced Rum 70cl Devil's Bridge Spiced Rum is available now Devil's Bridge is a deliciously rich, complex, Spiced Rum infused with the ingredient at the heart of this Welsh legend, Bara Brith. Our base rum is a blend from the Caribbean's most renowned distilleries. In Wales the base is infused with Bara Brith and distilled in a copper pot still with fruits and spices for sweetness,...

Devil's Bridge Dark Cherry Liqueur 50clDevil's Bridge Dark Cherry Liqueur 50cl
Devil's Bridge Dark Cherry Liqueur 50cl
Devil's Bridge Dark Cherry Liqueur 50cl Tastes like Cherry Drops. Ideal for enjoying over ice, as a dynamic mixer with cola, or as the heart of a cocktail paired with our Spiced Rum, this liqueur is a testament to sophisticated craftsmanship and quality. Details: 50cl, 20% Vol

Devil's Bridge Categories